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The Marketing Strategy of Nike

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The Nike campaign launched in March featuring a global sporting star and an emotionally charged personal story to grab the attention of the viewer. The Nike campaign stands out because of its surreal, authentic interplay between young athletes and famous stars. Nike's campaign is different from other sports campaigns which use celebrity references to draw attention. It makes a subtle but genuine connection between the athletes and the stars.

Although it might alienate some US consumers, the campaign is likely to continue its success in the long-term. Nike was able in record time to build brand loyalty. The ad was also created by long-term, trusted partners that resonated well with the core audience. The ad was well-received by its core audience, and it has a unique brand image.

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Despite the controversy around the ad's placement, the campaign has been widely praised. Its inclusion and technical proficiency earned praise from a variety media outlets, including CNN Business and It's Nice That. Ava DuVernay who was featured in the video has given positive reviews to the campaign. A number of prominent people have endorsed the ad and cited its message as an example of how a brand can help the world.

The Nike ad has divided the audience into two camps: those that claim it is anti-American and those calling for a boycott. The campaign has been a success for Nike, and despite some negative reviews, it has shown that advertising campaigns can be both controversial and powerful. The latest ad by Nike shows that standing for something larger than your bottomline can lead to success.

For its efforts to connect consumers, the Nike campaign has been widely recognized. This is evident in the social media pages and apps created in conjunction with the campaign. Its slogan, "Just Do It", is a campaign that is both authentically social and genuine. As symbols of both genders, a Nike shirt worn by both a man or woman and a Nike Watch worn by the latter are examples. The brand is open to women of all sexes.

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Nike created a contrast campaign for male athletes and women. The campaign uses female athletes to draw attention to issues such as dominance and sexualization. Both genders are depicted in a way that is consistent with the brand's values. The message is positive and strong. A male athlete poses as if he is a sexy man, while a female runs as if he is a mere woman.

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The Marketing Strategy of Nike